
Premium Ads

hello there,,
I just wanted to inform people who want to advertise on my blog
These are some banners that are available along with installation price
Non Indonesian
  1. 468x60 (Premium Advertizing) price   : $10 / Month or $100/year
  2. 200x200 And 125x125 (Premium Advertizing) price : $ 5 / Month or $50/year
  1. 468x60 (Iklan Premium) Harga : Rp. 100.000 / Month or Rp. 1.000.000 / Year
  2. 200x200 And 125x125 (Iklan Premium) Harga : Rp. 50.000 / Month or Rp. 500.000 / Year
if you want to put your ads please transfer the listed price with unique number to my bank account
Mandiri Bank
Irwin Noor Setyawan
Please confirm your payment through my email
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